by Bharath
Waqar Younis – Fast Bowling Excellence
Hi Coach!
How much is fast bowling a talent your born with?
I do know that there are certain things
you have to do in your action (like a stable
rhythmic runup ..braced front leg….)
which enables you to bowl faster, but somehow
I believe that to bowl at 150kmph you need a certain level of natural talent.I know of a friend who touches speeds
in excess of 140(measured with bushnell
speed gun) and the best part is he is not even
a professional cricketer. He does not bother about technical aspects (just runs in super fast and rotates his arms and shoulders super fast).Regards Bharath.
Hi Bharath, nature (your genetics) provides the raw materials and practice, repetition and good coaching (where its available) provide the building blocks to achieve fast bowling excellence.
Children learn by watching their cricket heroes, either on TV or in the flesh at internationals.
Primarily it is from watching TV and copying their bowling actions, modelling excellence is the best way to learn as a child.
This is how Shoaib Akhtar learnt to bowl, from watching and copying Waqar Younis.
You don’t have to be a professional to be able to bowl quick, there have been many club cricketers who have been quick who never played professional cricket, either by choice or the fact they didn’t have the control or fitness to play at that level.
best wishes Coach
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About Richard Pybus
I'm Richard Pybus, I've coached Pakistan, Bangladesh, Middlesex, Titans and the Cape Cobras in South Africa and the goal of this site is to help you to play winning cricket.