by Richard Pybus
(Aayan, Jharkhand, India)
Hi Coach, I want to know if practicing on the hanging ball (or a ball inside a sock hanging by a cord or string ) has any advantages? Does it improve a batter’s batting in anyway?
Hi Aayan, yes it does, it allows you to work on all your vertical bat shots, your drives and defence. The key thing is that you are focusing, watching the ball and tracking it from above your eyeline onto the blade. This is great for concentration and managing your focus. I put one up for my sons and they have competitions seeing who can make the most hits without mis-hitting it.
Put a large dot on the ball with a marker pen and practice watching the dot on the down swing, this is like watching the dot on the squash ball and is a good tip to train your brain for visual tracking skills and focus.
It doesn’t replace actual practice but it is a good trainer. Remember that Don Bradman used to use a golf ball and a stump, this is also a good drill for focusing and control if you have an enclosed area where the ball won’t disappear everytime you hit it.
Good luck. Best wishes Coach
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About Richard Pybus
I'm Richard Pybus, I've coached Pakistan, Bangladesh, Middlesex, Titans and the Cape Cobras in South Africa and the goal of this site is to help you to play winning cricket.