by Saddam Khan
(India, Madhya Pradesh, Sagar)
The Sachin Tendulkar Cover Drive
Hi Coach ,
my name is Saddam Khan, can you help me with playing the cover drive against fast bowlers. Please suggest some ideas as my season is just about to begin in a few weeks.
Hi Saddam, you have rightly identified the cover drive as being a key shot for you, the majority of balls bowled to you will be on the front foot on off stump, being able to hit the over pitched delivery puts the pressure back on the bowler to get his length right.
Drills for this:
1. In the nets, set up zones using cones or markers, put a cone down for a fielder at point, cover, mid off and mid on.
Have a friend or coach throw the ball to you on a full length at off stump, either under arm or over arm.
Before you start, look at the space between the fielders so your brain knows where the space is on the field.
The variation in your partners throwing will give you some wide balls and some straight, get them to start slowly so you can control where you are hitting the ball.
Work on hitting the ball into space.
2. When you are comfortable with this, get them to throw slightly wider balls so you can work on hitting them into the gap between point and mid off.
Pay attention to the line and length that you can control.
Increase the pace of the throws so your brain can learn to adapt to the increased speed. If you have access to a bowling machine then do this over a period of weeks, the brain will adapt and you’ll find you can work comfortably at increased speeds.
Pay attention to playing in your zone, under your eyes and close to the body. The fast bowler will want to make you play away from your body so you have less control of the shot.
Anything wider, that you can’t control, leave alone. Wait for the next ball and for the bowler to bowl into your scoring areas.
Pay attention to your defence and strike rotation so you can bat for long periods of time, don’t look for the cover drive, rather let your strokes come naturally. The work you do will put away the bad ball when it comes.
As the season is around the corner, don’t distract yourself by searching for the cover drive, rather let it grow into your game in its own time.
Good Luck, Coach

About Richard Pybus
I'm Richard Pybus, I've coached Pakistan, Bangladesh, Middlesex, Titans and the Cape Cobras in South Africa and the goal of this site is to help you to play winning cricket.