by Richard Pybus
(Ali, London,UK)
Hey Coach
I have a problem that has been stopping me from performing to my maximum ability. Whenever I practice I do everything really well. My batting has flow in it, I can rotate strike easily and I seem to just ‘bat’ without thinking about anything. But as soon as I go onto the pitch, I experience SEVERE anxiety, such that even though I am concentrating really hard (like I am really concentrating) I feel as if im working 200% just to survive. I get into a really defensive mode and start blocking everything and bowlers who I would EASILY rotate for singles in the nets start getting the better of me. I feel as if I play any shot, I might get out. This is pretty much the reason I can’t perform at all in the games while I bat like no one can get my out in the nets.
This same thing happens with me while fielding. During fielding practice I can catch pretty much everything but as soon as a catch goes up in the air in the game, I usually drop it because I can’t get myself into good position due to the SEVERE ANXIETY. One last example of my condition is that sometimes when I go out there in the middle, I play 60mph bowlers like 80mph as I am really late on them when they are not even remotely close to bowling quick, but I make them look quick.
I need immediate help with this anxiety problem because it’s killing my love for the game, I’m not having fun playing because when I go out there to bat I feel like I rather be home at that moment.
Hi Ali,
I can understand your frustration, it must have been really tough for you, the good news is that you have some tools that you perhaps don’t know you have or aren’t using properly.
At the moment you are letting your imagination run wild, you have a choice of how you want to run your imagination but you’re not using it. What you are doing at present is worrying about every possible negative scenario and allowing it to suffocate your performance.
There is positive visualisation which is consciously choosing what you want to make happen during the game, positive performance and outcomes.
There is negative visualisation which is worrying and catastrophising the scenarios which you are doing at present.
Now you need to exercise your choice, allowing the worry to continue to run your performance or focusing on positive thoughts and actions that are going to bring you the results you desire.
It’s going to take practice to turn this around, you will need to be patient with yourself but you can do it.
Check out these posts and they will help to guide you through this negative mindset.
Cricket Mental Toughness Training/How to get Into The Zone
Cricket Mental Toughness Training/Overcoming Performance Anxiety
Cricket Mental Toughness Training/Performance Anxiety
Cricket Mental Toughness: Hashim Amla
Best Wishes Coach
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About Richard Pybus
I'm Richard Pybus, I've coached Pakistan, Bangladesh, Middlesex, Titans and the Cape Cobras in South Africa and the goal of this site is to help you to play winning cricket.