by Mirwais Khan
(Peshawar Pakistan)
Hi Coach, I’m Mirwais Khan from Peshawar, Pakistan. I’m a fast bowler, my action is like Brett Lee, but I’m having problems with my back.
What should I do about my back problem?
How can I bowl fast like my favourite Brett Lee? thanks Mirwais
Hi Mirwais, as with all injuries, but particularly back injuries, the first place to go is a sports doctor and the sports physio.
I know in Asia these are not always easy to find, if you ask your parents or coach to phone the local administrators at the first class side in Peshawar they should be able to advise on who to go and see.
Till then you need to rest and allow the back injury to begin to heal. After you have a diagnosis you need to begin a rehab program that the physio will give you, in conjunction working with a certified strength and conditioning coach to heal the injury, carefully and properly.
Then a prehab program to make sure the injury doesn’t recur.
It will likely have been caused by over bowling and / or poor technique.
Ask your coach to find a reputable fast bowling coach, again preferably at the local first class side, to have your action assessed to see if it is your action causing your back problems.
If you don’t have access to these people and facilities, then you must rest till pain free, when pain free you need to begin a general conditioning program to get your body stronger. You don’t put your age, if you are younger than 18 then don’t use weights, only functional body exercises, you can find examples of these at Cricket Fitness and you can work through Greg’s program.
With regards to wanting to bowl like Brett Lee, you can see the page on Brett Lee here. See my recommendations on bowling like Brett on the cricket tips bowling page.
Best wishes Coach
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About Richard Pybus
I'm Richard Pybus, I've coached Pakistan, Bangladesh, Middlesex, Titans and the Cape Cobras in South Africa and the goal of this site is to help you to play winning cricket.