by Parth Sharma
(Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India)
Hey Coach, my name is Parth, I am having a problem with my bowling action, when I started playing cricket I had a Dale Steyn like action and with that I could generate serious pace and also good swing, but now the pace has dropped and the swing is gone. Can you tell me the reason? and the second problem is that I when try to use other actions they are not able to generate the pace or swing, like when I used Morne Morkel’s action, the pace was almost back but the swing wasn’t there, can you tell me how to get this back.
Hi Parth, thanks for the email detailing an issue that I have written about before when I have spoken about modelling the actions of great bowlers and our heroes.
We learn by copying, that is the primary way that sportsmen and women learn. That is why who you copy is so important, they need to model’s of excellence.
The issue here Parth, and for all the other young cricketers and for their coaches, is that you have to commit to a technique. You can only play around with actions and technique for so long till you have to settle on what feels right and then you’ve got to work on it.
Rather than trying a bit of everything, go back to the action which worked best for you and let that be your natural and normal action.
Bowl with this bowling action in the nets and in games and let it become ‘your’ action, only then will you be able to tweak it to improve it.
Be clear on this, you no more mucking around, by all means copy Dale Steyn but let the best parts of his action become the foundation of your action. I can’t tell you how to get your swing or pace back, I’ve never seen you bowl. Only you can do this through trial and error.
Best Wishes Coach Pybus
Thank You
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About Richard Pybus
I'm Richard Pybus, I've coached Pakistan, Bangladesh, Middlesex, Titans and the Cape Cobras in South Africa and the goal of this site is to help you to play winning cricket.