Cricket Coaching Fast Bowling Tips/ I lack the natural ability to bowl fast !

by Hasham Tahir
(Islamabad , Pakistan)

Shoaib Akhtar

Dear Coach I am Hasham Tahir from Islamabad, Pakistan and I am having problems with my fast bowling.

I am 3 months short of 17yrs of age, my height is round about 6.1 ft and I want to pursue my career in fast bowling.

The problem is a I lack the natural ability to bowl fast, its just too hard for me.

I can swing the ball both ways, a perfect front-on action, developed a perfect front knee jam and back knee bend. But still no effect on my bowling.

Yes I do have problems when I land, such as I stop after gaining momentum which causes me to loose 75 % of my pace.

I want to be more like Shoaib Akhtar – the fastest man alive…!

Please advise me what to do?

Hi Hasham, firstly, you are very young as a fast bowler, you won’t stop growing till your 22, then you still need to fill out.

So you’re being a bit premature in wondering whether you should give up on your dream of being a genuine fast bowler.

Let’s switch the thnking around, rather focus on
“‘m developing into a great fast bowler”.

You say you have good control and swing, you have identified areas you can work on.

So let’s focus on the most important one at the moment, which is accelerating through the crease which is critical for a front on bowler.
If you decelerate going into and through the crease, you’re right, your pace falls off.

1. Follow Through Practice Drill: Put a marker down 5 steps down the wicket from the bowling crease, this will be your follow through marker to give you an idea of the length of your follow through when you bowl your best balls, fast and with control.

Get your Coach to monitor the length of your follow through, when you bowl these best balls, move the marker to the point where you finish your follow through.

Measure this in steps from the bowling crease when you have a consistent length to your follow through.

Then in future put the marker down on your optimal follow through length, this will let you know whether you are accelerating into and through the crease with enough speed and intent.

If your short of the marker you know you need to run in quicker and drive through the crease.

Here is a link on being patient and following your dreams.

Cricket Fast Bowling Tips/ Dreams, Goals and Patience

If, when you have finished growing, you find you haven’t developed into a genuine quick bowler you can be a great fast medium or medium fast bowler and take many wickets. Look at how well Vernon Philander is doing now and he isn’t express, just highly skilled.

Best Wishes Coach

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Dec 22, 2014 Nice one
by: Stephen That was an interesting question. I’m a bowling all-rounder. I can consistently bowl at 130-135kmph. As far as I know it is all about hitting the right areas. You need to have a good assessment about the pitch as well.Beverly Diamonds

Sep 20, 2014 bowl fast
by: Anonymous sir i am 22 years old. i am bowls at round about 110-115kmph.. i want to increase my bowling speed to 125-130 kmph. give me some tips

Apr 27, 2014 bowling action tip
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Nov 23, 2012 thatnks coach !
by: hasham tahir thanks for what you”ve told me .i have made a plan and iam gonna even more hard then before cause there aint a man alive who did nothing and got everything…..!thanks a million 🙂

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Richard Pybus

About Richard Pybus

I'm Richard Pybus, I've coached Pakistan, Bangladesh, Middlesex, Titans and the Cape Cobras in South Africa and the goal of this site is to help you to play winning cricket.