by Hariharan
(Chennai , India)
Indian Cricket Team Warm Up
Hi Coach, this is Hariharan from Chennai.
My question is what should we do on the day of the match for warm ups.
Hi Hariharan, to warm up before you go into doing your cricket specific batting, bowling, fielding or wicketkeeping warm up I suggest the following.
This is a quick 5 minute dynamic warm up, ideal to get you loose whether you are in the heat of Chennai or the cold of Lancashire.
Put down two markers 20 metres or two points apart.
This is a 3 minute shuttle run:
First minute, run shuttles around the cones, alternating turning right at one end and left the other.
Second minute: do side to side, switching left leg to right, then right to left.
Third minute: High knee raises one way, heel flicks back.
Walk 4 lengths doing squats and lunges.
Onto your back: 10 Crunches / Sit Ups
Roll Over : Ten Press Ups
This was to get your body activated, now go into your cricket specific warm up …
Bowling : Gently begin bowling and slowly increase the intensity.
Fielding: Begin with a throwing warm up, throwing down at a cone to a partner 15 metres apart.
Go into the rest of your team fielding drills.
Batting and Wicket Keeping .. speak to your Coach about individual warm ups for these disciplines.,
Regards Coach
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About Richard Pybus
I'm Richard Pybus, I've coached Pakistan, Bangladesh, Middlesex, Titans and the Cape Cobras in South Africa and the goal of this site is to help you to play winning cricket.