Cricket Mental Training: Positive Self Talk for Optimal Performance.
The parameters of our cricket performance are set by what we believe to be true about ourselves.
We communicate these thoughts to ourselves through the dialogue we run in our heads.
Our imagination is like a canvas and our language the painter, we can create our reality, both positive and negative by the language we use to shape our circumstances, our experiences and our desires.
Often we have more than one voice running in our head, sometimes it isn’t ours, it is left over from when we were younger.
Our self talk needs to be simple and positive, self talk that expands the scope of our performance, negative self talk contracts it.
The subconscious mind never sleeps, it is always listening, it wants to hear positive language that will direct positive actions and feelings.
The subconscious has been likened to a 10 year old child, it wants to be spoken to calmly, generously and kindly.
It wants to be affirmed and told what to do in a simple manner.
The language of the subconscious is pictures and feelings, so choose language that paints a positive picture and communicates confidence, positive intent, strength and warmness.
The subconscious does not filter out negatives, state what you want, positively.
To say ‘I will not get caught in the slips again, against this bowler’, is communicating exactly that.
Ask Mike Atherton about Glenn McGrath.
Self Talk – Positive Affirmations and Suggestions
‘Self talk’ is best used when we are relaxed and receptive, after doing a relaxation exercise is an excellent time, or fitting it in between relaxation and visualisation for performance enhancement is also recommended.
Make a list of short, descriptive, powerful statements reflecting the person you are, but have not yet finished polishing.
Repeat each phrase 3 times, use them as a mantra at key times to quiet the left brain and occupy it.
Allow it to bring about the desired feeling of confidence, focus and relaxation.
Remember the most important things we ever hear are said by ourselves.
I am cool, calm, confident.
Breathe, relax, focus.
Breathe, smile, relax.
Relax and concentrate, let it flow.
I am an elite cricketer, I free my talent and training to excel.
I love opportunities and challenges.
Every negative into a positive.
I achieve my goals and desires.
I am imaginative, creative and unique.
I am instinctive, spontaneous and brilliant.
I am disciplined and focused.
I love learning and growing everyday.
I will use my thoughts and memories to empower me to even greater heights.
I live with integrity and purpose.
I am accountable and responsible for all that I do.
I am committed to excellence.
To expand on this, here is a short article courtesy of my Mental Training Educator and Mentor, Dr.Rayma Ditson Sommer.
We all talk to ourselves over 45,000 words daily.
As we tell ourselves things, our brain is filing away everything that is said.
The brain does not have a filter to strain out all the negative things we say to ourselves, so this information is stored for permanent recall anytime we wish or do not wish.
To better excel in cricket, positive attitudes are essential.
When you think negative thoughts:
• ask yourself how long you have had these thoughts.
• are you remembering negative thoughts said to you as a child.
If so, remember, the past is over and done with and has no power today.
• ask yourself — “How did these thoughts get into my head?”
• bring up the entire memory and then use a NLP “swish” technique to throw it away from your mind.
• see your name in the newspaper as a top achiever at your level of cricket.
• as you visualize, see yourself batting, bowling, fielding, keeping with smooth confident movements, perfectly coordinated, calm and focused.
• visual motor behavior rehearsal (VMBR) is a great help in visualization and dry practice; as the brain receives the stimuli it faxes a message to the muscle and the result is as useful as actual practice.
The tendons and muscles react exactly the same as when you are playing; to do this use the performance breathing relaxation exercise to put yourself into a quiet, calm, receptive state, mentally run through your performance (THE RESULTS ARE EXCITING!)
• The brain can take in only seven bits of information at a time.
Keep it simple, attend to one thing at a time.
• Self-talk is always positive.
• In the crease and at the top of your mark, the brain goes through a sudden release and shifts into a high production of very high amplitudes Alpha waves.
At this point the left brain needs to relax, give up control and allow the visual spatial oriented right hemisphere be in charge.
To assist with this, you may use a mantra which is the repetition of a mental device, a word or phrase.
‘Watch the ball’ is a common one for batters, it brings you present and focuses you in on the ball, the object of your attention.
For a bowler you can do the same, ‘Calm and Focused’ and then set a new goal for the ball you are about to bowl.
Trust your preparation and practice, it quietens the left brain.
• For daily training, use the performance breathing and relaxation exercises, positive self talk and affirmations, then move into your performance imagery and visualization.
Use this protocol for three weeks. You will be training yourself to synchrony and relaxation, both requirements for reaching “The Zone”.
© Copyright 2004, Dr. Rayma Ditson-Sommer. All right reserved. No portion of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or manner by any means, including, but not limited to, graphic, electronic, and mechanical methods, photocopying, recording, taping, or an other informational storage and retrieval systems without the explicit permission of the author/publisher.
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About Richard Pybus
I'm Richard Pybus, I've coached Pakistan, Bangladesh, Middlesex, Titans and the Cape Cobras in South Africa and the goal of this site is to help you to play winning cricket.