by K.Arjun
How do I improve my control when bowling with the new ball? I also would like to swing the ball at greater pace, any ideas?
Hi Visves, two good questions.
Let’s deal with control first, at club level you usually only see a new ball on the saturday of the game because of the cost of balls.
If the club can afford it, you need to practice with the new ball as much as possible, this will allow you to work on your skills without fear of bowling wides in a match.
If you can get one specific ball from the club and look after it, you can use this to bowl in the middle to a keeper, which is more realistic and simulates bowling in a match.
Then it is plenty of target bowling, read the earlier pages in ‘Ask Coach’ for ideas on this.
The bottom line is … practice, practice, practice.
During a match, if the ball is swinging too much, the simple thing to do is bowl with your fingers across the seam,this will stop the swing and you can focus on hitting a line and length and begin building up some pressure. When the ball is older and it isn’t swinging so much, you can return to
Regarding improving your pace, check out the pages on cricket fitness and strength conditioning.
The foundation of speed is strength, so to bowl quicker, with swing, which is a skill which you are suggesting you have, you need to be stronger.
best wishes Coach
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About Richard Pybus
I'm Richard Pybus, I've coached Pakistan, Bangladesh, Middlesex, Titans and the Cape Cobras in South Africa and the goal of this site is to help you to play winning cricket.