by Richard Pybus
(Question from KP, San Francisco, USA )
Graeme Smith: Defined Pre-Shot Routine
Hello Coach, what are the drills/tips to read the line and length of the bowler early ?
Thank you, KP
Hi KP, the simplest batting tips to read the line and length of the ball early is to watch it as closely as possible.
Remember it is the brain that is doing the watching, not the eyes, the eyes feed visual information to the brain to process speed, flight, trajectory, vertical and horizontal movement related to swing, spin and dip.
As the bowler runs up, focus in on the ball in the bowler’s hand so that your mind is glued to the ball.
This will give you the best opportunity to process the line and length of the ball, not earlier, but accurately.
Developing a pre-shot routine is important to manage your mental energy and your concentration, its important to switch your focus off between balls to conserve mental energy.
Batters like Graeme Smith have very specific routines between balls, he steps back away from the crease and relaxes mentally and physically.
Batter’s typically do this by slowing their breathing down and mentally relaxing by looking off into space, look at the sky, this allows the brain to relax.
This allows the batter to keep their mind quiet between balls.
As the bowler gets back to the top of his mark, Graeme steps back in and sets himself up in the crease.
Head absolutely still so his brain gets the BEST picture of the ball for judgement and shot selection.
Practice this in the nets and in middle practices to train it so it becomes habitual.
Don Bradman said beyond all theory, concentration is the most important aspect of batting. The above routines will help to build this.
Work in the nets with a partner hitting lots of balls, throw the same angles and pace that you will get in games from different types of bowlers. Work on pace and spin, this will allow your brain to create as many solutions as possible to the deliveries you will get in match time. This will build better judgement and give you more options.
Best Wishes Coach
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About Richard Pybus
I'm Richard Pybus, I've coached Pakistan, Bangladesh, Middlesex, Titans and the Cape Cobras in South Africa and the goal of this site is to help you to play winning cricket.