by Richard Pybus
(Question from Vipul, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.)
Vernon Phlander: In the Corridor
Hi Coach, I am a pace bowler with a side on action. The problem is that I don’t follow through straight, I don’t face any injury issues but my coach wants me to follow through straight. He suggests it can add pace. I am quick enough to hit the shoulder of the bat, is it absolutely necessary to follow through straight ? If yes, how do I achieve it. I have a slight open action is that the reason?
Hi Vipul, your Coach is not wrong, for a front on bowler your follow through will be straighter and it can add a little extra pace, holding the energy of your run up and action toward the target at the batters end.
I would recommend getting in close to the wickets at the bowlers end, this is one of the keys to controlling the channel between off stump and 6th stump outside off, the infamous ‘corridor of uncertainty’.
Malcolm Marshall used to reckon that you should always be so close to the stumps at the bowlers end that the umpire should be wondering whether to warn you out of the danger area.
Where you release from in the crease is going to determine the alignment of your follow through.
So we rather focus on being tight to off stump at the bowlers end so that the ball is being released wicket to wicket and asking the batter to make a decision.
That is what Glenn McGrath was a master of, more recently Vernon Philander has followed the masters method and it has repaid him handsomely.
Side on bowlers will pull off the wicket quicker because they pivot round their front leg when they release, front on bowlers tend to run straight through.
To summarise, focus on getting in close like Vernon Philander, you will take more wickets and create more pressure.
Best wishes Coach
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About Richard Pybus
I'm Richard Pybus, I've coached Pakistan, Bangladesh, Middlesex, Titans and the Cape Cobras in South Africa and the goal of this site is to help you to play winning cricket.