by Divyesh
Hi Coach,
I am 14 yrs old and I have an action the same as James Anderson, in which I get more pace, less accuracy and inconsistent run up.I have made a new action the same as Glenn McGrath, in which I get less pace, more accuracy and better rhythm .. so which one should I choose please.
Hi Divyesh, this is an interesting question for players and coaches alike.
As youngsters, we copy our fast bowling heroes, from watching them on TV and the internet, thats how we get the foundation of our bowling action.
This can be good and bad, you can get stuck between two actions, rather than focusing on one action and allowing yourself to learn it.
For the young cricketer, choose a bowler who you admire and has a similar build and body type. It needs to feel comfortable and natural for you, not forced.
Work on copying the action, remember, it took them many hours of practice to become elite bowlers, there are no short cuts.
Read the cricket fast bowling tips here to get advice on control and conditioning.
Read this post here where another young bowler had a similar challenge.
Cricket Fast Bowling Tips/ Repeateable, Automated Bowling Action
Best Wishes Coach
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About Richard Pybus
I'm Richard Pybus, I've coached Pakistan, Bangladesh, Middlesex, Titans and the Cape Cobras in South Africa and the goal of this site is to help you to play winning cricket.