by Richard Pybus
(Question from Usman, Islamabad Pakistan)
Saqlain Mushtaq: Learning Through Play
Hi Coach, I have a traditional off break grip on the ball and an offspinner’s action which tends to angle the ball away from the right hander.
I spin it anti-clockwise making it turn away as well so it gets too easy to hit. Please advise on how should I angle it into the right hander or bowl straighter without compromising on speed, turn and bounce; for example advise on my arm action, delivery stride and flight given to the ball.
Hi Usman, the most important thing for you to learn is the control of the ball coming out of the hand.
Let’s look at the goal, you want the ball coming out with a seam at 45 degree angle, so you can only see one side of the ball as it spins toward the batter.
It sounds as if your wrist is getting too far round behind the ball when you are releasing it and you are almost bowling a doosra.
You want the ball coming out so that it is spun hard, with enough top spin to get the ball to dip and enough side spin to get it to drift.
The off spinner’s classic delivery is to drift it away from the right hander and spin it in between bat and pad.
I learnt from Saqlain Mushtaq that spinners must play with the ball so they get complete control of it. This is how he developed his doosra and he has a genius level feel for his craft, building a delivery up slowly and mastering it.
How to do it:
Working with a coach or partner at the nets.
From a standing position in the crease so you can control your hand action, throw the ball to your partner. Consciously make sure the spinning finger is going over the ball from right to left, so you can see the seam angle. You are aiming to see one side of the ball, seam angle is 45 degrees.
When you are comfortable with this and can do it consistently, stand and bowl to your partner with the same hand action.
Do three overs off one pace, three overs off three paces and three overs off your full run.
Practice this three times a week so that the body and brain learn the new hand action.
Bowling Action.
Concentrate on making sure that you pivot fully and your bowling hand goes across your body and sweeps through past the opposite hip.
Build this up over three months, be patient, if you find you are regressing or the hand action and seam position isn’t right, then go back to one pace bowling in the crease to correct it. Then build again.
See these posts on control, flight and developing line and length to help you progress with your art.
Cricket Spin Bowling Tips/ Controlling Line And Length
Cricket Spin Bowling Tips/ Improving Flight And Variation
Best Wishes Coach
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About Richard Pybus
I'm Richard Pybus, I've coached Pakistan, Bangladesh, Middlesex, Titans and the Cape Cobras in South Africa and the goal of this site is to help you to play winning cricket.