Cricket Fitness Level 2 Routine
As you continue to progress with your strength program it’s important to remember that the the body adapts to the workload you are placing on it when you are resting.
The strength work breaks down muscle tissue and the body rebuilds itself as you sleep, during the night.
This cricket specific strength training program will cumulatively condition you to begin the season in optimal shape and protect you against injury.
· Complete the core warm-up (1 set of each exercise) before starting the strength routine.
· Then perform 3 sets of the routine shown below. Perform the routine at least 3 times a week on alternate days (eg. Mon, Wed, Fri). As your technique and strength improve you should add more repetitions (2 repetitions per week)up to 15.
· When you have added extra reps and can comfortably complete these exercises you have good basic functional strength levels for playing cricket, this general strength will not guarantee you don’t get injured … but it will make you more injury resistant and give you more strength and endurance for your game.
Overhead Squat
10 reps
Use a light Barbell (about 8-10kg). It should be held above the head, use a wide grip with straight arms. The feet should be shoulder width apart and turned slightly out. Squat slowly as if sitting back onto a chair. Keep the back flat and arms above your head as you descend. Aim to get the hips lower than the knees Return to the start position and repeat.
Body Weight Lunge
8 reps each side
Start with the feet together and shoulder width apart. Step forward keeping the torso erect. Step with a flat foot and lower the hips straight toward the groung. Keep the front knee aligned with the front foot and the knee behind the toes. Push back to the start position and repeat.
Body Weight Step-up
8 reps each side
Start with the feet together in front of a step, box or bench. Step up onto the bench. Return to the start position and repeat on the other leg.
Unilateral Hip Raise
8 reps each side
Start lying on the back with one leg bent 90 degrees and the other leg straight and elevated. Raise the hips from the ground so that the thigh and torso are in alignment. Return to the start and repeat. Repeat on the other leg.
Bilateral Hip Raise Feet Elevated
12 reps
Start lying on the floor. Feet on a bench or box and knees bent 90 degrees. Raise the hip from the floor so that the thigh and torso are in alignment. Return to start and repeat.
Decline Push-up
15 reps
Start in a push up position with the feet elevated on a bench or box. Lower the torso to the ground so that it is about 5 cm from the floor. Return to the start and repeat.
4 reps
Start from a hanging position with the arms fully extended. Use a overhand grip(palms forward) about shoulder width apart. Pull the body up toward the bar until the chin is above the bar. Return to the start and repeat.
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About Richard Pybus
I'm Richard Pybus, I've coached Pakistan, Bangladesh, Middlesex, Titans and the Cape Cobras in South Africa and the goal of this site is to help you to play winning cricket.