by Navroz
(Wellington, New Zealand)
Jacque Kallis: King Of The All Rounders
Hi Coach, whats a good fitness program for a batting all rounder who is 60kgs and 165cms?
I need to have better fitness, could you get me a personal program?It needs to be a proper one just like …
1 week = 3 runs,400 situps etc…Please and Thanks in advance.
Hi Navroz,
good to see you’re taking your strength and conditioning seriously … you’ll see on the Cricket Fitness pages that there are programs there. Please go visit them, we don’t do personalised programs here.
Jacque Kallis’s career longevity has been based on exceptional fitness, your fitness needs to be specific to your role, the best way to get fit in season is by playing cricket, batting and bowling in the nets, in the middle, scoring runs and bowling overs to take wickets.
Out of season I suggest you work through Greg King’s basic training program. It will get you functionally strong to build your cricket specific work on top of it.
kind regards Coach
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About Richard Pybus
I'm Richard Pybus, I've coached Pakistan, Bangladesh, Middlesex, Titans and the Cape Cobras in South Africa and the goal of this site is to help you to play winning cricket.