Here is a small but fascinating clip on Tiger Woods, it is pre-meltdown.
This isn’t a Tiger judgement page, it is about what we can learn from Tiger’s journey and what lessons it may hold for us as cricketers, coaches and parents.
Watch the clip and then go to the page on Goal Setting, read the section on the definition of Success.
Think and reflect on what is motivating Tiger.
Is Tiger coming from a place of wholeness and fulfillment or is he driven by something else, if so, what might it be?
Do you think Tiger is a Winner or a Loser and why?
Is Winning in Golf, Winning in Life ?
Does anything stand out from the interview that suggests that Tiger is operating from a position of high or low self esteem ?
Are there any implications here for how we pursue our cricket goals ?
Bearing in mind what has happened in Tiger’s life, what do you think the scope is for him to get back on track ?
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About Richard Pybus
I'm Richard Pybus, I've coached Pakistan, Bangladesh, Middlesex, Titans and the Cape Cobras in South Africa and the goal of this site is to help you to play winning cricket.